Open Level
Swan Lake
Learn how to perform Swan Lakeā€™s White and Black Swan variations.
Ā ____
Instructor: Polina Semionova,
Principal Dancer
About this class
Polina shares her expert advice for how to learn and perform the iconic roles of the White and Black Swan in classical ballet.
Designed for all skill levels, youā€™ll learn simple exercises for strength and flexibility as well as choreography from Swan Lake.
With personal and professional tips for how to find success in ballet, this class is meant to build you knowledge and your confidence to dance in this renowned role.
Instructor: Polina Semionova
Class Length: 10 Lessons, 1h 15min
Category:Ā Open Level, Ballet
Bonus: Workbook included

included in this class
1. Meet Polina Semionova
2. Polinaā€™s Personal Story
3. Storytelling Tips for Classical Ballet
4. 5 Upper Body Exercises for Beautiful Swan Arms
5. How to Do Swan Lake Arms
6. Tips to Get In Character for Ballet
7. Learn the White Swan Choreography
8. Learn the Black Swan Variation
9. How to Deal with Stress in BalletMastering Stress
10. 3 Essential Tips to Boost Your Ballet Success

Polina Semionova
International Star Ballerina
Renowned for her role as Odette/Odile in Swan Lake, Polina Semionova is one of the 21st century's most iconic prima ballerinas.
For the first time ever, Polina shares insights into her artistic process and reveals her secrets for creating awe-inspiring performances in Swan Lake and other ballets.
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